These events offer a new way to experience Web3, giving fans NFT-gated access benefits and digitally stamping experiences on Avalanche.


These events offer a new way to experience Web3, giving fans NFT-gated access benefits and digitally stamping experiences on Avalanche.



[ ah-vuh-saans ]  noun

Avaissance is Avalanche’s groundbreaking new initiative to incubate the next generation of digital artists. The expansive program’s goal is to foster a space for creators to explore new ideas, leverage the latest Web3 technology, build meaningful relationships, and launch game-changing careers.


Avaissance is Avalanche’s groundbreaking new initiative to incubate the next generation of digital artists. The expansive program’s goal is to foster a space for creators to explore new ideas, leverage the latest Web3 technology, build meaningful relationships, and launch game-changing careers.

As part of the Avaissance, we are launching the first Artist in Residence program (“AIR Program”). The AIR Program gives creators the opportunity to focus on a personal creative project by providing funding, a professional mentor, and dedicated support from the Avalanche ecosystem.


The Artist in Residence (AIR)  Program is open to digital artists around the world, working in every medium. To be selected, you must:

  • Have desire to explore Web3 and join the Avalanche ecosystem
  • Be a community builder and a representative of your community/region and share your creative process
  • Length of Residency: 6 Months
  • Country of Residence: We are happy to accept applications from artists worldwide but unfortunately cannot accept applications from artists living in the following countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic, and Luhansk People’s Republic regions of Ukraine
  • Language: English

Application Details

Artist Benefits

  • Stipend to use as the artist sees fit
  • Instruction from Web3 industry professionals
  • One-on-one project guidance from cohort mentor

Artist Expectations

  • Attend 6 remote (online) lectures
  • Meet virtually at least 1 time with cohort instructor
  • Release an NFT project on Avalanche in 2024

Important Dates

  • Applications Close: April 30, 2024
  • Classes & Office Hours: June - August 2024
  • NFT Projects live by December 31, 2024

Artist in Residence Program

Meet Your Mentors

Aaron Huey


A distinguished National Geographic photographer & explorer, Aaron is a multidisciplinary master of storytelling, pushing boundaries through 30+ Nat Geo stories, including several cover features.

Huey's work also extends to pioneering pieces in VR & AR, creating immersive experiences like the award-winning Bear Ears Virtual Museum VR.

Aaron’s class will cover photography, but with an expanded definition that includes other cutting edge methods of image capture.

Artists In Residence

Dave Krugman's

Tyler Blint-Welsh @palms2peaks

Sina Ritter @82dazai

P. Sant'Ana @angiefreediver

Marylee Burman @maryleeburman

Vik Vii7 @Vik_Vii7

Downs & Towns @downsandtowns

Tommy Kwak @tommykwakstudio

Tony Sellen @ts446photo

Paul Cine @_paulcine

Ilitch Peters @ilitchpeters

Rizacan Kumas @kumasrizacan

Blake Wood @blake_wood

Fernando Samalot @samalottalove

hazelrah.eth @0xhazelrah

Emonee LaRussa's

Tara Rose Morris @taramoves

Kainat Ahmad

Dformer @dformer_design

The Sun IRL @thesunirl

Carmilla Sumantry @CarmillaEtc

SAYOKO @sayokoosada

Jah. @artbyjah

Nate Nutt @cgi_thug

ALPHACODED @alphac0ded

Michael Pitropov @michaelpitropovart

Jesse Soleil @jessesoleil

The Four @Weare_thefour

marigoldff.eth marigoldff.eth

AKAN @danielakan

John Lê's

Rich Armstrong @taptapkaboom

StudioNX @StudioNX

Ellisliu.x @ellisliu9

virkkk @virkkk_


jhee @jheeart_nft

kspaze1 @kspaze1

Peter Ryan @Peterryanart

mothfly @mothfly_studio

Weekender @namaccount

Sarisa Kojima @sarisakojima

Karyagar @karyagart

ang @angchenart

Kyle Confehr @KConfehr

Eva Eller @EvaEllerArt

Scribble Warlock @SCRIBBLEWARL0CK

Yakgwa | 약과 @yakxgwa


GRL @grlkrash


Convict Julie @convictjulie

Almost Owen @almostowenmusic

Emily Lazar @emilylazar_sm

realorrin @realorrin

Inch Chua @inchchua

Angel Anya @angelanyamusic

Kristoph Galland @kristophgalland

Josiah Soren @JosiahSoren

CAM MURDOCH @cammurdochmusic

Ryan Wen's

RugMeGently @rugmegently

Stupifff @Stupifff

FaithLove @izzyalright


kushsquare.eth @SquareKush

Doki Gamja @DokkaebiGamja

Aleksei Bitskoff @bitskoff

Kriddo.avax @AvaxGoatz

Alfred Chase @alf_khsnv